Expert Payroll Advice
“We assume that with our payroll services we are helping you with one of the most valuable assets of your company: The employees. This is why we take care of the details, that is the reason why many international companies rely on us.”
Our service takes care of all of the payroll needs of a Spanish business.
We will also advise you on what costs are involved in employing people in Spain, for example the employer pays around 30% in Social Security of the employee gross salary!. Again we can talk you through the options and give you the best advice to suit your business.
With our payroll service we will make the monthly report and calculations for you and arrange all the Social Security and income tax payments to be made when due.
Employing people in Spain involves a lot of paperwork to ensure that the employees and the company comply with Spanish regulations; if this is not carried out correctly then it could lead to heavy fines for the company. We can advise you on what needs to be done and take you through the required registrations.
Employees in Spain are well protected and as such it is important that you give them the right kind of contract of employment that suits them and you. We will advise you on the best contract suitable.
ROSCLAR will manage, build, calculate and validate all the steps of your payroll.
We also offer Shadow payroll
GL file Customization
Many clients request us this service, it is a personal service that we offer to those clients that request a unique and particular file. Each file is different because it is done on clients demand.
Money Movement Service (Statutory payments and employees payments)
If you do not have a bank account in Spain or want to rely on us this part of your process, we offer to our clients the possibility to use our bank accounts to pay either your Spanish employees or Statutory Third Parties (such us Social Security and Tax Agency). If you want to know more about this service, please feel free to contact us through the email.
Client Trust Account
Some clients chose us to handle their NON Statutory payments. We offer them the possibility to open and dedicated bank account for their needs, such us leasing payments, rentals, telephone quote´s and so on. To know more mail us.
Legal representant´s in Spain
Depending on your structure and company formation, you may require that someone appears in front of the Tax Agency as your Legal Representant or you may also need a Spanish Postal Address.
Business Bank Account Opening Service
If required, we offer you the chance to Open a Bank account at your name without having to come to Spain. This service it is done on demand and to know more you can mail us.
Rosclar can handle all your accounting needs.
Full Bookkeeping and Accounting Services for firms and professionals working in Spain
We prepare financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for use by banks, investors, and other third parties. Spanish “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles” are very similar to the US GAAP or UK GAAP.
We can offer you the bookkeeping services, done with all the national standards of quality; we are members of the Spanish Economist House.
We are also members of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain.
Tax Advice
Rosclar offers you the possibility to present the Tax declarations in your behalf. Maybe you have already an accountancy policy and you just need from us to present your tax obligations in front of the Tax Agency.
Rosclar offer a variety of business consulting services to both subscription and non-subscription clients. Essentially, we have accumulated as much know-how as possible across multiple areas of expertise. You can ask our consultants on any question concerning taxes in Spain.
Dissolve Your Spanish LTD Company
This process is also known as a voluntary dissolution. This is a process under the Companies Act to allow the removal of the company from the companies Register, typically when the company is dormant. Please note that this is not an insolvency process.
If the company does not serves no useful purpose, then its dissolution removes the need for filing annual returns and accounts. The company can only be dissolved (removed from the Companies House register), if the legal conditions apply, ask your particular case to our consultants and we will give you’re the proper answer.
Tax Inspection's
Our experience and knowledge is our best offer to attend in your behalf any tax Inspections that you may suffer in Spain. Our Tax advisors will be glad to help you.