What corporate setup do I need to hire employees in Spain?

There are various alternatives:

You can create a Spanish company. Once the company is registered for social security, you can set up the payroll for the employees. Within this option we must distinguish:

  • Register your foreign business (If you have a well-established business outside Spain, but you don’t plan on having a physical office in Spain, we can offer you this possibility but it should only be used for those who wish to get to know the country before establishing)
  • To set up a Sucursal
  • To set up a new Ltd company
  • To buy an already made Ltd company
What is included in the payroll service?

The purpose of the company is to offer you a great variety of service at a very reasonable price, therefore what is include in the payroll service can be summarized: “all you ordinary needs in the same monthly basis quote”. For example following services are include:

  • Rosclar payroll service includes the creation of payslips, all new employees contracts and details introduced into the system, the withholding tax Controls and Warranties on:
  • Data introduction and validation into the system.
  • Control of: Variables, Sickness, Labor accidents, Maternity, Permissions, Contract endings, Testing periods, Seizure, Payment advancement, Legal assessment.
  • Third parties relationship management.
  • Payroll calculation
  • Treasury preview
  • Correction run or extra payroll
  • Bank transfer file (it is optional if you want us to handle in your behalf the payment to employees)
  • Accounting file (optional)
  • Special FAN file requested by Labour authorities (Sistema Red)
  • Process deliver
  • Control of the results
  • Report of what has been done
  • Payslips e-mail delivery (optional physical delivery).
  • Arrears: Salary increase, Update of the salary tables from the collective agreement, IPC application, Update of a collective agreement, Arrears calculation
  • IRPF process (Tax revenue): withholding tax form submitance, Monthly recalculations,
  • Programming of all legal changes on the payroll engine
  • Maintenance of the client’s dossier
  • New contract writing or/and contract extensions writing
We are a UK company and we are going to move our employees in Barcelona to serve our European (non-Spanish) clients. Can we apply our UK labour laws to our non-Spanish employees?

Even though your clients are non-Spanish, you must register in Spain as a resident entity (depending on various factors we will recommend you the corporate you should create). Of course, your Spanish company must obtain an employer social security number in order to hire your employees, without it is not possible to hire employees in Spain. Please keep in mind that, even if your employees are non-Spanish, Spanish labour laws apply.

How often do you run the payroll?

Rosclar runs a monthly payroll. Keep in mind that our offer includes 12 payroll runs per year (one per month). If you have 13th or / and 14th run, we will have to charge you for the extra payroll run.


How long does it take to be registered for VAT?

It depends on the corporate situation, that means if we have or nor have already the Ltd company create. If create the process can be fast and in less than 24h we can handle to be ready. If the company is not done, then the answer depends on how long will it take to create the company.

What is VAT?

VAT (Value Added Tax) is a tax charged on most business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions. As a VAT-registered company VAT is added on the net value to your products or services. If you are not VAT-registered or a consumer, VAT is a tax on your consumption. But depending on your activity VAT must always be consider as consumption and we will not be able to claim it back.

Do I need a company bank account in Spain to get VAT back?

The easy answer would be yes, but in particular cases there Is no need to have a company bank account, but then, other particularities must apply.